About Us

Welcome to
Dolphin Neurostim!

We are a 34-year-old company specializing in pain management, scar release therapy and vagus nerve therapy.

Our unique therapy applies Microcurrent point stimulation therapy (using Dolphin Neurostim) to help patients achieve life-changing results.

Our goal is to connect suffering patients with our team of MPS expert therapists who can provide this innovative therapy.

Our team of experts is committed to providing high -quality care and support to patients throughout their healing journey. We understand that dealing with pain, scars and other health issues can be challenging, which is why we have developed a unique therapy approach that is designed to stimulate the body’s natural processes, promoting faster recovery and reduced pain.

Microcurrent point stimulation can help you achieve the relief you need and regain your life back!

We work closely with a network of skilled therapists who are trained in our therapy technique who provide personalized care to each patient.
We take pride in the fact that our unique therapy has helped countless patients overcome their health challenges and regain their quality of life. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to support you and help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

What Our Client Says

After 20 years of scoliosis pain, MPS works in one hour

Thank you again for relieving the chronic pain I have in the left side of my neck and shoulder!!! I was amazed that after my first 30 min session of Microcurrent Point Therapy or MPS I experienced immediate relief. As you may remember, I cried of happiness from the relief of the chronic throbbing pain.

As I mentioned to you, I was diagnosed with scoliosis in elementary school and progressively got worse into high school through college. My sophomore year in college I had a bad fall which triggered the curve in my back to increase. Although my scoliosis is not a severe case I have always experienced chronic pain in the left side of my neck and shoulder.

I have been coping with this chronic pain for over 20 years and have tried everything from Aleve, muscle relaxers, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, hot compresses, muscle ointments, yoga, etc. I’ve tried just about everything and nothing has given me the immediate relief that MPS did in my first session.Since that first session, I had an hour session the week after which provided continued relief. My hope is that continuing the MPS treatments will eventually leave me pain free.

I’m so grateful for your knowledge, care and expertise as a healer!


Masterful, motivational, inspirational instructor.

Never Have I attended a more practical and informative hands on seminar. It has changed my whole perspective on how to develop my practice and will continue to recommend and attend all future courses.

Not often does one come across a company that shares values that embody the true spirit of traditional oriental medicine where the goal is to make the patient better and cause no harm. It has been said that in past times “the physician get paid when the patient gets better” and with Accumed’s MPS program that certainly resonates.

Dr. Antoine Chevalier was truly an masterful teacher that not only motivates his students but inspires them to achieve a higher standard.

Truly a wonderful man!

Ricardo Tunon

MD prescribes Dolphin home unit. Physio treatments reduced 50%

After a number of treatments with the Dolphin device, it became apparent that this was the only thing that would treat my pains and aches instantaneously and offer hours of relief for only a few seconds of treatment.

What a treat when my physiotherapist and my medical doctor prescribed me with the Dolphin Neurostim device to use at home. I carry it everywhere I go! I use it mid day, in the office twice, morning and evening at home, or wherever the pain is triggered, it only takes a few second before I find comfort.

Since I started to use this unit, I have cut my physiotherapy treatments from 4 times a week to 2 times a week. My Physio says that I have progressed more rapidly lately (likely because of the treatments I have administered myself) than ever before, and I have been seeing my Physio for over three years.

Thank you for making such a miraculous device.

Huguette C

I had a fall back in February 10th 2022

Fell on some very jagged ice in the snow banks on the side of the road. I cut my forehead, my left eyelid, and a spot under my chin. I had 10 stitches in total. My family doctor said it would probably take a year for it to completely heal.

I had my stitches out on a Tuesday and I went to my natural path Theresa McLean, in Berwick Nova Scotia, who used theDolfinsNeurostim to treat my scars the next day. I had 3 treatments with her, and I am very very pleased with how it all healed, especially my forehead because it’s in plain site, and in a noticeable area.

I also had an appointment with my dermatologist shortly after getting my stitches out, he was very concerned with how it was going to heal, when I saw him 6 months later he was very surprised at how well it healed. He said he had no idea it would heal that well. I give the credit to Theresa, 100%, and so grateful that she told me about this service she offers.

She is the only one in Nova Scotia to offer this, and I highly recommend her!


After one treatment, long-lasting chronic pain relief with Dolphin Neurostim. Husband is shocked!

I want to tell everyone how this amazing woman, Ginger Taylor, helped me. I went to see Ginger in September for what I thought was going to be a regular massage, not realizing all of the training she had in pain relief and other areas. I told her I was hurting in my lower back and hip area down to my foot on the left side.

I had been that way for a long time and figured it was something I would have to live with. I had been going to a chiropractor for three years, sometimes two times a week, and any help I got only lasted about a week. After only one visit with Ginger, my pain completely went away.

I could walk normal and fast, and get up from a sitting position. All movement was easy and pain free, including my neck. My husband, who doesn’t believe in this kind of help, was shocked! It has been more than a month and I’m still feeling great and sending all of my friends who need help. Ginger is full of compassion and sincerely wants to help others with her gift.

Leslie O